How do I pre-hydrate for my race? Want to learn about a secret the pros use for hydration? Hello, glycerol, nice to meet you! Glycerol is a substance that allows the body to hold on to a bit more fluid than you normally would. It is called a plasma expander.… Authorās note: For the purposes of this article, āsupplementsā refer to powders, shakes, oils, pills, herbal preparations, etc. marketed for a specific health or performance purpose, rather than to micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Anecdotes: A case against supplements Sarah* rode to my office in a taxi, which was rare… If you start “researching” Whole30 a bit (researching is in quotes, because, let’s be honest, most people don’t do actual clinical research, or even crack open a PubMed page, they just read a few webpages), you’ll find no shortage of glowing testimonials. Whole30 claims it can help with a whole… Power Grain Bowls You’re a busy person. You work all day long, and probably did errands, household chores, helped kids, and took care of your pet. What do you do when you walk in the door after a long day and are STARVING but don’t have a dinner plan? You… Collagen for Injury and Recovery in Athletes Collagen is getting a lot of press these days. It seems like every day there are new nutrition concepts that are touted as miracles. Is it the next big thing for athletes? The science on collagen is emerging, but there is enough…
Pre-hydrating with glycerol
The Supplement Industry is (Mostly) Scamming You
I didn’t do Whole30. Here’s what happened.
Power Grain Bowls
Collagen for Athletes
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