Carb loading–you’ve heard of it, but what is it? When should you do it? How do you do it? Carb loading is more than just eating a plateload of spaghetti the night before a 10K. There are reasons you would want to carb load, and a specific way to do… Intermittent fasting seems to be super popular. Like other diets, it imposes rules and restrictions on how you eat. I often get questions from clients about intermittent fasting. What is intermittent fasting? First, let’s take a look at what intermittent fasting is. It’s a method of eating with set periods… It’s chilly outside in the northern hemisphere! Whether you are a hardcore snowboarder, skier, or snowshoer, or more of a casual sledder or hiker, cold temperatures mean you need to hydrate and fuel a bit differently than when it’s warmer outside. Here are some nutrition tips for cold weather and… There is nothing worse than feeling nauseated while exercising. If you’re trying to push yourself in a competition or training session and find that you’re feeling sick, here are a few reasons why this might be happening and what you can do about it. Your blood sugar is low. Low… Hydration is a hot topic. Everyone seems to want to know how to hydrate right. It gets confusing with so many products on the market. There are hydration powders, sports drinks, electrolyte tablets, salt tablets, coconut water, plain old water, and more. We have an amazing course on what product…
Carb loading: You’re doing it wrong
Intermittent Fasting vs. Intuitive Eating
Nutrition Tips for Winter Sports
5 reasons you feel nauseated during exercise
Pre-hydration for athletes
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