An injury can be a soul-crushing experience. Any athlete, from recreational to elite, shudders at the thought of getting injured. All that down time, all the pain and the treatments. How can you prevent injury or recover faster from it? Preventing injury with proper nutrition Not all injuries are preventable,… What are USG strips? Have you heard of urine specific gravity strips (USG reagent strips) for measuring how hydrated you are? If you can get past the ick factor of dipping a stick into your own pee, it can be a good tool! How do I use USG strips? 1.Basically… We’ve all seen it. The setting on the treadmill that says “fat-burning zone.” The heart rate monitor that tells you to stay in the yellow (or whatever color yours is) zone when working out. The elliptical that limits you to a nice, conversational pace and tells you you’re not in… There are tons of protein powders to choose from! How do you pick the right one? Here are a few questions to ask yourself: “Do I even need a protein powder?” Often you can get enough protein (and the right kind of protein) just through a well-planned diet. You may… There’s been a lot of hype about sugar addiction lately. How do you know if you’re addicted? Take this easy quiz to find out! Have you ever been abducted by aliens that may have brainwashed you? Yes or No Do you have something other than a brain in your head,…
Nutrition for injury prevention and recovery
Using urine specific gravity strips to measure hydration
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Always Workout in the “Fat-Burning” Zone
How to pick a protein powder
Think you’re addicted to sugar? Take this quiz!
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